Te kaupapa o Te Awhi

Our Journey

Te Taupunga

Whakatō te kākano, ko wai au, Mirimiri ki te aroha tipua te ngākau Māori, i roto i te Wairua Tapu.

Plant the seed, Who am I noruish it with love, Nurtured with our ancestral gifts. Encompasses in the Holy Spirit.

Te Huarahi

Mai i te Taupunga, ka hanga huarahi, hei whai ma tātou, Ka whangaia te kaupapa, ka puawaitia te tangata.

From the anchor stone of our founding proverb, we build the road we shall travel, so that the kaupapa is taught and the individual flourishes.

Te Whainga

Ka tū pakari au me tōku kiri, ki te taha o tōku iwi
I will stand proud in my own skin with my own people.

Within our space we will continue to operate within our vision and values of tika, pono and aroha front of mind.

Our values



Kia ū, kia mau

Holding and owning our history, our roots and our connections



Kia tū pakari tātou

Being chiefly in our thoughts and actions. Weaving together our kaupapa and people


Ihi o te Rā

Whāia te iti kahurangi

Embracing possibilities that energise and challenge



Kia kotahi te whakaaro

Moving together

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