When you use a health or disability service in Aotearoa, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights provides the following 10 rights:
Your Rights
When you use a health or disability service in Aotearoa, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights provides the following 10 rights:
Your rights when using a health or disability service
Kia manaakitia koe hei tangata.
To be treated with respect.
Kia manaakitia koe, kia kaua koe e tāmia e wai rānei, kia kaua hoki e tūkinotia e te kaikiri o te tangata.
To be treated fairly without pressure or discrimination.
Kia hāpainga tō rangatiratanga, me tō mana motuhake.
The right to dignity and independence.
Kia taea e koe ngā ratonga whai tikanga, ā, kia tika te taurima i a koe, me te teitei o ngā pūkenga o te hunga manaaki i a koe.
To receive a quality service and to be treated with care and skill.
Kia tae katoa mai ngā kōrero ki mua i tō aroaro mā roto i tētahi huarahi whakamōhio ngāwari ki te whakarongo, kia tino taea ai tō kōrerorero tahi ki te kaiwhakahaere o taua ratonga.
To be given information that you can understand in a way that helps you communicate with the person providing the service.
Kia tino tae ake ngā kōrero whai pānga ki mua i a koe mō tō hauora me tō hauatanga
To be given the information you need to know about your health or disability
Kia riro māu anō e whakatau ngā tikanga tiaki i a koe, kia huri hoki koe i tō whakatau, kia haere ki huarahi kē.
To make your own decision about your care, and to change your mind.
Kia noho mai he kaitautoko i tō taha i te nuinga o te wā.
To have a support person with you at most times.
Kia noho mai he kaitautoko i tō taha i te nuinga o te wā.
To have a support person with you at most times.
Kia āhei koe te whakatakoto whakapae, ā, kia āta tirohia hoki tō whakapae.
The right to complain and have your complaint taken seriously.
If you need support or help with making a complaint, you can contact the Nationwide Advocacy Services, a free independent service that offers advice and support related to the complaints process.
P: 0800 555 050
For more information please refer to
Health and Disability Commission